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25 September 2009

Tiny, Band in the Vigna

"Stavolta però la faccenda va diversamente. E proprio a causa dei sogni ad occhi aperti"

Prossimo live... 13 Novembre @ Vigna (Porta Santi, Cesena)

Be there!

13 September 2009

Intifada nights

"It was promoted as a secret gig, still eventually many people were able to find the place despite all the enigmas. Halfway between Aladdin Sane, Elvis Costello and MGMT, Mark Zonda and Tiny Tide came back with a tight and not so horror rocky show on the stage of Intifada, sharing with the audience the old classics from a debut album that keeps its distances from seeing the light of its debut and the tracks of Tiny Tide last EP: “The Wildheart EP”.

The band kept spending the last month on practicing the new opening part of the show, with a brilliant instrumental introduction in a bright “Credence Clearwater Revival” style, changing in “Kitty Jesus” and “The Psychopath At The Club” with no pauses at all." ...

Last night we played @ Intifada.

Here's a report from SleepWalKing Magazine. Check it out :)

5 September 2009

1 September 2009

Wildy Tiny

Here's Wildheart in his own words on Tiny Tide "The WildHeart EP" last review. You can found it here.

"The "WildHeart" on this review happens to be me: Tiny Tide. The one fact that needs a fix is the fact that on “Do Mean It’s A Mess”, Simona Rovida didn’t record any part, but all the background vocals are Marco’s (and it’s an amazing job!). What can I say? I am flattered by such an amazing review! Apart from "The Smiths And The Cure” that was actually played by humans, all the other songs (all the instruments, including the finger-picked guitars) were played by me on samplers and synthesizers. If they fooled somebody into believing that it was the real thing then… well… I’m happy. Marco wrote some really amazing songs. I am glad if I could help him make them shine.

My favourite? Hard to choose. “Road to Fairies” for the arrangement (modestly speaking) and “Needful Things” because it’s a superb song, one of those songs that make your jaw drop after the first two bars. The arrangement could use a bit more energy but the song is so good that it remains memorable all the same."

Tiny Tiny

"Helmed by one Mark Zonda, Tiny Tide is a pop band from the beautiful Italian city of Cesena. Their illustrious beats flow through the orchestral strings like rivers running through towns. Under their belt, Tiny Tide have released two EPs, The Ronta EP (2008) and the recently released The Wildheart EP. This EP is an electronic experience through the eyes of Wildheart, their arranger. " ...

Hi there everyone! Here's an interesting review of the "WildHeart EP" from "Stop Sleeping, yo!". Check it out :)