Some weeks ago my grandmother died. I soon became aware that since she was the last person living in her house soon I wouldn't have the chance to come back there no more. That house was very important to me. It still is. I spent all my childhood in there, and after my grandparents moved my huncle went to stay in there still the rest of his days (Gino died very young, he was a great huncle, always ready to play, talk and take care of us). After he died my partents moved back to there, and I still had other great memories on that house although I didn't go there so often anymore.
Don't know what will happen now. That house is empty at the moment. I had to shoot a video in there, to preserve and celebrate the memory. So here we are. Thanks to Matt Share for the shootings. Enjoy the show.
24 June 2010

Hi there! By the gently request of an American DJ friend of mine... I started my own radio show! Quite inevitably a new and defenitive version of the smash hit "Girls From Ronta" leaked out and sneaked into the program on Episode number one!
Manuel on Bass+Violin, Dendrix on solo guitar and Andrè "Stars in Coma" Brorsson on mixing and editing. First episode theme was about Byrds and the influences of that band had in music so far.
Go to and follow our adventures weekly :)
13 June 2010
Unfuzz Days
a song is born,
free mp3,

This summer fashion is to avoid other people, especially not going seaside on the beach. At least for me! That's why I'm taking long walks on the desert city on sundays picking any detail hits my sensitivity on my iPod sunny jogging. This new demo is called "Unfuzz Days", and it's partially dealing with my little adventures. As for the melody for once in a while I decided to start avoiding trying to imagine the song in my head before writing it down and finding the chords, but experimenting with the guitar and changing the notes in some of the strings.
Matthew from Charlie Big Time told me it's a bit Sean Leannonesque. I had in mind Elliott Smith meeting Brian Wilson trying to stay in tune after getting stoned and having had a fight!
Anyway... here it is...
Tiny Tide - "Unfuzz Days"
Here's the lyrics in case you need :)
"Don't know why you had to bring me here
I'm quite scared it's a beautiful day
People all aroud, they're the same
Not ok. They just wait and stay
For a show is meant to celebrate. Even though the guest run away
Without taking care of present days
with no future left or just a cake
there's no bride at all to call and calm
neither a trace
on unfuzz days
You don't care for Buddah and his nun
someone else will pay your alm
Trees will shake the ground like fallen crows
Not today, not for this crowd
There's no turning back from this old park
Guess no one else wilk take my crown
Without taking care or give a damn
With no money left or time to spend
There's no space at home to call your place
it's all so lame
this unfuzz days
All your arms are set to pray
I can't even sign ok
You don't have to be afraid
I can't even kill myself
So come here and bring me home
push my little iron throne
Bare your brest and get undressed
Give this child your last caress
Free my body and my soul
Cut my head and clean your sword
There's nothing left Sweet golden mess
neither a trace
of unfuzz days"
10 June 2010
E ritorno da te
I Speak Prosciutto

Un ringraziamento particolare a Fabio del Magazzino Parallelo. Conoscevo Fabio ai tempi delle superiori. Era una sorta di leggenda vivente un po' oscura. E' stato bello reincontrarlo dopo tanto tempo qualche anno fa. Ora gestisce uno spazio aggregativo importante per Cesena, e ci ritroviamo più o meno tutte le settimane lì a suonare. Siamo ormai, come si suol dire, di famiglia. Un po' come i topi portatori sani di colera che infestano le case.
Questa sera mi sono fermato a fare due chiacchiere con lui finite le prove. Da perenne cinisco insicuro disadattato quale sono mi ha fatto molto piacere sapere che gli siamo molto piaciuti, e soprattutto che a visto nel nostro modo di fare musica qualcosa di molto personale e originale e nella nostra sinergia con i N.M.A. delle sensazioni positive.
Abbiamo sempre girato attorno all'argomento live in maniera molto circostanziata con "Il padrone di casa", proprio dall'etimo della parola "girarci attorno" o "è meglio andare a fare un giro", e ci siamo ritrovati a suonare dal vivo su invito dei N.M.A.. Il fatto che non solo Biagio non sia diventato verde e svenuto ma che gli siamo addirittura piaciuti mi ha donato una carica forte che penso continuerà a darmi una bella spinta per una bel po' di giorni. Grazie Biagio :)
PS: La cosa veramente inaspettata? Che Biagio conoscesse Circus2000 e Le Streghe! Ora tocca a Serge Gainsbourg :)
4 June 2010
Lust for Songs
a song is born,
rainy room

Giulia is a speaker from a radio show in Rome. I listen to her show from time to time, and when we're synchronized we use to exchange few comments on Facebook in real time. 'bout a week ago Giulia left a shout with some vague notes referring to a blurry and quite generic protest. Just for fun I told her that it would have been a great stuff if Iggy Pop would ever should decided to turn those writings into lyrics, so it happened that it was me instead of Mr. Iguana to start putting down that song. In a first time it was an impressive amount of shit-gaze and noise, but some friends persuaded me to turn down around the 3000% of the volumes of those fuzzy guitars. Since it ended with me really being satisfied with the lyrics, but not with the drums, I decided to go for a more relaxed and genuine version of the song with an acoustic version of it.
Which one is better? You tell me!
Here's the lyrics so far...
Lust for clubs
"Is there anyone here relly dying to tie the corps.Rise your hand.
Is there any hand layed by keepers trying to make you slave. Nothing saved.
I would rather have had no chance to get your brains impressed. It's a smash
from a leggin with a low-cut boot to a blue platoon. Clean your shoe.
Crush your hana-bi on a retro beat of a parallel magazine
Cut some extra grass from your indie tracks
throw the rice on a house of glass
We'll be fab
We'll be fabric
over 45 vynils
Shake that ass
Make a mess
WE'll be nazi downunder
We'll be fast
We'll burn fabric
over ballrooms and tarverns
Come and fuck
That's a fact
Thas's a factory girl and she's lust for clubs
TWelve died in a gun maniac act down in temple pub.
Tried to save some time but the clock just went' out of luck.
Now you need a man to attend your cheerleader burst
But "Let's not make a fuss" it's the ad of my midnight crush.
Cross the police line triple murder child, cover your social life suicide
Wed your lesbian love, drive your mother nut
smuggle all you've been deined
We'll be fab
We'll be fabric
over 45 hot guns
Shot your eyes
Walk on blind
WE'll be zombie downunder
We'll be fast
We'll burn fabric
over ballrooms and tarverns
Come and fuck
That's a fact
Thas's a factory girl and she's lust for clubs
She' a factory girl She's a super star"
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