Not that I planned to become a multimillionaire or diving into a 7-up swimming pool (alight! I still dream about it and I'm working on it), but everything I wanted from Summer2011 turned out to be an epic fail. No American Tour, no Indietracks, no epic romance with a famous rockstar, niet. Loneliest summer ever since 2009 (you see! That's what's Indietracks stands for!).
That's why me and some friends of mine - like those cats and dogs abandoned along the highway when it's hot outside and everybody's having fun - decided to join forces and gather around on the possibly indiest project in town: Plato's Summer Stars.
That's it: basically a summer diary for musicians where we'll keep tracks of our summer days and post a song on our experiences from time to time, from the happy relieve given by a fucking good watermelon to the blondie that planted a rotten knife right into our heart on the last summer gig being not even aware of it.
That's right. It's all in our little Plato's Cave. This project was all we needed to get rid of some trash and get some space, so we'll have an excuse to invite you all to dance in it in winter and stars will have something to talk about while hanging in their summer skies.
My intention was to try to make a jpop song as a tribute for my Japanese friends hit by so many terrible things in so little time, but somehow seems like I ended to write my first Paul Simon song. Anyway, here's my song. I really needed to express my feelings on what happened so far away over the sea. It could happen to you as well, and it wouldn't be right. Anyway, anyhow, anywhere. Let's hold on to what's precious above all in times of trouble. If Japan has a virtue has to be found in the braveness of its people... so GANBATTE KUDASAI NIHON!
"Little soul Hangin' on the town Little soul Look at what we've lost So many things we've lost are gone And now I need to be alone With the one I love The one who's singing Little soul words Need to listen close To your heart beat fast and loud
Little Soul Rock
Little Soul We cracked the core Little Soul Reach the very source Our safety is planted in the trash Is getting daily deemed at last Let the Motown stars Show up in droves With lil' soul claps And then collapse to their best sound Anything loud"
Back from Roma Pop Festival we were really excited to see a nice little band from Rome called "I Demoni", just when everyone else's attention was set on "Virginiana Miller" on the other stage.
We were so delighted by their show what we soon decided that our mission was to become a I Demoni cover band.
So here we are now, with a cover of one of their tracks called "666 Molto OK". Go and say hi to their site.
Back from Rome. I spent 3 days with a couple of friends and loads of pop (we were there for Roma Pop Fest indeed). It was fun. Three days doin' nothing but walkin', drinking', eatin and listening and dancing to fine music.
Last day, when I woke up in the hotel, I had TWO strange dreams. Before waking up, a radio in my dreams was broadcasting this "parallel universe" Verve song. I tried to rush a first acoustic version just to remember it, since my real goal now is to record at least a cover from I Demoni, a band we saw at the Festival that really made our days! (now I'm a superfan!)
Guess you'll have to wait for that anyway. My Alesis Soundcard hit the floor for the third time and seems like it finally managed to crash :(
"So here I was here I was running up those stairs to get the highest floor I was there I saw the light 'was about to knock but doubts came in my mind
Was that I To get by I am so sure I didn't realized
Mama was gone Papa's gone too no one is left inside to call to open up the door and let me cross the line
This is the realtime this is the real time the real life the real after life
So here it was about time fun was nearly over so we said goodbye we had our days all a lie as we foundthat nothing really has passed by So we hanged out reaching homes and the radio never stopped to play that silly song
Richard is gone Nick has gone too drugs didn't work so I'm resting too Running up that green to reach the blue"
When it became quite clear I was about to make a whole album from "impossible love songs", a DJ friend of mine named Kaypea accused me to be "blinded by the pop stars". And of course she was terribly right, but the very moment she said that instead of having any psychological reaction I went like:"Hey! That's a marvellous title for a pop song!". And so her we are, with this little Smitthesque tribute filled with Jennifer Lewis and Karen O.
This post reminded me that while I'm proceeding to record vocals in a real studio, I've also spent time carrying on other two songs meant to be some sort of duets with two almost acclaimed indie pop girls. That's the chance to post the lyrics in case I forget how they goes!
One song is about an Italian adventurer and hero from 1800 called Garibaldi meeting the Indonesian equivalent of Cinderella, while the other is about me writing short stories about Nina Persson from Cardigans (I really did!).
Songs are still "Under Construction", still you can try to imagine how they will sounds like with a little help from the lyrics.
Little princess Natalie in psychological waars got to win your Globe Awaards helping me is the role
Scarlett Scarlett sing along you got to whisper that horse he's a fool in a ghost world you're not meant for him at all
Jennifer suggests I won't live without her as I'm modeling worlds I will forget no more
MIlla can't you see THere's nothing left to fear though I can't tell you're real or real fantasy, because...
I was blinded by the pop stars Baby I was blinded by the pop stars And I'm burning my eyes setting my thoughts on fire selling my world to the franchise
blinded by the pop stars Baby I was blinded by the pop stars it's so hard to resist when I look at the screen electromagnetic cute sights
and there is a girl that never goes out....
Karen left me with an Oh turning me into some strange playboy but it's mia who won my soul with her unsual joy
Jenny Lewis is having fun she's available now Neko just won't let me down as long as she is around
Fiona loves and hates I can't live without her as she tells her friends I'm one of her casual guests
Pin-up Sammy Fox can't touch you without pop a bubble framed my heart I know it's about to blast
and there is a girl that never goes out.... that will never never never cross my path downtown
and there is a girl that never goes out.... and I'll never never never see her leave that house
* * *
Not a patriot revolution just a way to show the world freedom was a resolution to get close to his real love He was told that fame and glory were awaiting in seaports but he couldn't stop from wondering on a home to call his own
But I hope that you'll come They say France is thorned by war and a life by the sea won't deny this chance to me
Gary! Garybaldi he was wounded at the heart for she had him still so damn fast he just couldn't stop her dart She was swinging by a sweet swing she was singing silly songs When the man came on to see her had a look and turned to a stone
Garibaldi cought a gold fish he was swimming in the sea and the fish he fished was talking for he once was a real king He told:"Gary go to Java there's a princess you must save" So the merchand marine captain Took an oath to save his dreams
But I hope You won't sleep I'm so far from Italy hurry up dance with me don't deny this chance to me
Gary! Garybaldi he was wounded at the heart for she had him still so damn fast he just couldn't stop her dart She was swinging by a sweet swing she was singing silly songs When the man came on to see her had a look and turned to a stone
* * *
Lying in bed I keep thinking of you you drove me mad it's so true Since we got through on a carnival cruise I spend my days with no clue
Nobody cared when I entered the room It was a cold afternoon ready to play on the smallest venue Nobody came... but you
And you were just oversight fancy dream to come alive stuck in a trip between lines
Writing short stories 'bout Nina Writing love stories 'bout you Meeting my dear ballerina Trying so hard to catch you
And I'm so very super blue don't turn off your Abajour
Writing sweet stories 'bout Nina Inking more pages on you faking a place I could meet her Fool's paradise coming true
Leading a band must be hard in the end struggling with fans and the press I hope someday you could get your revenge you can hang on here'till then
It was a blast when the last light went off rocking the cheap stage for sure Your dreamy eyes set on me, eagerly no secret you couldn't read
And I am dust in your mind Lazy boy get a life You Shouldn't waste all this time...
Writing short stories 'bout Nina Writing love stories 'bout you Meeting my dear ballerina Trying so hard to catch you
Writing short stories 'bout Nina Writing love stories 'bout you Meeting my dear ballerina Trying so hard to catch you
When it's clearly a stupid lie A bad fiction for juveniles inner spaces that won't be mine throwing shadows on my blue eyes Come grow up please wake up
Che soddisfazione. Dopo la strepitosa recensione su Sentireascoltare ecco anche Enrico Veronese che recensisce il nostro disco"Febrero" sulle pagine di Blow Up, una rivista musicale che è sempre stata un punto di riferimento per tante "scoperte indipendenti". Un onore essere propro lì in mezzo ai "Joy Formidable" (che straadoro, e si sono beccati solo un sei) e il rocker italiano Umberto Palazzo.
"Quella di Mark Zonda e di KinGem Records è una piccola bella storia che dalla provincia romagnola entra in contatto con gli angoli del mondo indiepop, partecipa a compilation e cover, inizia a produrre, chiede featuring e si fa arrangiare. "Febrero" accumula le versioni più piene del pluriennale lavoro dietro Tiny Tide, perfezioista e filologico nello scegliere come tutelari Bowie e McCartney, Smiths e Cure, l'ndiepop svedese e quello giapponese mutato dai nostri anni Ottanta: c'è da dire che vestite di abiti più corposi e migliorato anche l'apporto vocale, le canzoni vengono esaltate nell'artigianato delle armonie, onesto e cristallino, capace di buttarsi a mare per il r'n'r vitaminico di Ginger Genie o riavere la rotta durante Mask Me Mask Me Mask Me. Fatti salvi pochi riempitivi, il livello è in ascesa e quasi mai banale, di questi tempi non è poco." Enrico Veronese.
This song hasn't been properly released yet (Jonny Lee Hart, playing guitar and bass on dat) and "Come Along Pond" has already been share on two podcast! Well dun Pond! :)
've always been fond on Yuka Honda, the cute clever half behind Cibo Matto. I knew that band thanks to a magazine review, back in 1995, when Internet was quite out of hands for the times. At least in Italy. But it was only in 1996 I got the chance to find the band first album in Dublin. It was gold. Since they made me noticed that Wiki wants a collection of songs to last at least 35 minutes to be called an album, I choose the chanteuse as final muse for my "impossible love songs" collection, mixing lyrics with memories of those days in Dublin. Any reference to the number stations enigma is a mere conspiracy against pop music.
THINKING 'BOUT YUKA It wasn't meant to be you It just wasn't meant to be you The bus had stop and you got on, we drove and we got lost You rose your thumb Then pinky came and it was clear You wanted me to come I guess there's something more And now she's asking me why I'm so late and didn't call
I was thinking 'bout Yuka (You can never really tell what happens after that) I was thinking 'bout Yuka (You can trust your feelings, nothing matters in your head) I was thinkig 'bout Yuka (You call for another drink, she's blending with your hand) Thinking 'bout Yuka Thinking 'bout Yuka Thinking 'bout Yuka Thinking 'bout
Double Virgin' Megashorewas meant to be the stage Acting other lovers lines from long forgotten days "don't know what I'm doin sweetheart, but I'll never stop" Music be the food of love... play on
You were talking 'bout Mika (Can't you really tell that now it's happening the same) You were talking 'bout Mika (c'mon close the door, forget about your past) You were talking 'bout Mika (caravan get goin', no need to be left)
Hand some na kanajo shojo marmalade joy ribbon merging out paths shame blame ash in your tray test rest so young at heart love fast you're mine at last gone"
Here's the new "Impossible Love Song", as my dear friend Rima from Annemarie use to call'em. It's called "Hatherley", and I partially felt the urge to write and play it because of some mixed feeling crossin' my mind these days. Clearly dealing with a pretty girl, looking really a lot like her in one of her pics. And because - yesss - "Charlotte Hatherley" it's so much more than a pretty face and seeing my musical hero playing in Glasgow a year ago was really something to be. And didn't all the unrequited love stories start in that city? Enough. Guess this one will take the place of "Febraury" in the next album. Meanwhile I'm leaving you with the lyrics awaiting for some feedback. Buona settimana!
Hatherley Written by Mark Zonda Double-Checked by A Nice Person
"Glasgow the first time that we met Blue eyes I surely won't forget You popped in staring at the crowd And Oh, My, there was no doubt...
You You You I was looking at you you you I was looking at you you you I was looking at you I was paralysed You You You I was looking at you you you I was looking at you you you I was looking at you and your uniform You So far so cool You You had to knew My mind is gone Head for the Moon
I'm really through I'm really through Hatherley... Hatherley...
When did we start to talk and comment every clips and the cryptic note places we both craved to go spending our time to check updates in any post like counting ghosts being there at any cost
I was afraid to violate your perfect smile, your state of grace
A year has gone and I forgot how does it feels to get in touch And since La Sera evening show All I was looking for
't was you you you I was looking at you you you I was looking at you just close your eyes You So far so Cool you you you I was looking through you you you I was looking at you, and my stupid look You You had to knew My mind is gone Head for the Moon I'm really through So clear to see Come dance with me Come dance with me
"Zonda è un entusiasta, innamorato della musica indipendente e di tutte le sue premesse, che si 81 chiamino David Bowie o Left Banke, Primal Scream o Ash, Beatles o Elliott Smith. Malgrado uno sforzo maggiore in fase di produzione tanto che si è spinto a coinvolgere band come gli svedesi Stars in Coma, i britannici Brigadier e lo statunitense Anthony Rochester - la dimensione lo-fi è il timbro predominante, come una patina sulla pelle del suono e una cartilagine che frastorna le strutture."
"La música de Tiny Tide, es un tanto difícil clasificarla, ya que tiene connotaciones folk, sixties, noise, after punk, twee pop, entre otros, los mismos que se pueden apreciar en el myspace de la banda, sitio en el que encontraremos buenas canciones como la sweet: Girl From Ronta o la siniestra: The Smiths and The Cure."
Ieri sono andato a vedere i bravissimi La Sera. Durante il viaggio di ritorno qualcuno ha avuto la malsana idea di intervistarmi in totale stato confusionario. Argomento: Febrero. Ecco il risultato...
Manuel used to tell me about a hudge collection of tiny ecelctric trains at home. Beside that some of the track in Febrero were directly inspired by the movie "Love & Pop". Here's a little montage made with some of the clips that drove me to write the song. Enjoy.
"Invece, è sì un passo avanti in termini di tiny tiDe - feBrero (kingeM, feBBraio 2011) Genere: lo-fi pop-rock.
A poche settimane da MoonTalking, è già tempo di un nuovo album per Tiny Tide, la creatura "indie pop arcade rock" del cesenate Mark Zonda. Lo ha intitolato Febrero - febbraio in spagnolo - perché a suo dire è il mese in cui accadono gli eventi cruciali della sua vita.
Particolare non da poco, perché sottolinea in qualche modo l'intimismo disarmante, il mettersi in gioco senza rete di protezione, la deliziosa vulnerabilità emotiva che già abbiamo avuto modo di apprezzare nei precedenti lavori.
Zonda è un entusiasta, innamorato della musica indipendente e di tutte le sue premesse, che si 81 chiamino David Bowie o Left Banke, Primal Scream o Ash, Beatles o Elliott Smith. Malgrado uno sforzo maggiore in fase di produzione tanto che si è spinto a coinvolgere band come gli svedesi Stars in Coma, i britannici Brigadier e lo statunitense Anthony Rochester - la dimensione lo-fi è il timbro predominante, come una patina sulla pelle del suono e una cartilagine che frastorna le strutture.
Quattordici le tracce all'insegna di un power-pop intorpidito psych con una vena wave che pulsa a intermittenza, ora arty, ora sbrigliata e ora tesa. Un carosello attraverso tormenti dolciastri ed enfatico sdilinquimento (Kitty Jesus, quella Mask Me Mask Me Mask Me che sembra Jens Lekman alle prese col repertorio Smiths), tra strali glam e hardcore-pop (Silver Star, Ginger Genie), trepidazioni brumose (A Song For EMI) e sussulti melliflui (il batticuore Badfinger di Scrambled Eggs, una February che sa scozzare Steve Wynn e Scott Walker).
Se è piacevole gia di per sé questo senso di frugale devozione, di entusiastico sbattimento, occorre aggiungere che Zonda sa tirare fuori dal cilindro pezzi di tutto rispetto. Roba tipo una Tiny Trains o quella Valentine Disco Night (i Roxy Music ipnotizzati da Robyn Hitchcock?) che con adeguata produzione - fatemelo dire, anche se può suonare antipatico - t'immagini a lambire le playlist che contano. Restiamo in attesa di sviluppi. (7.1/10)
E' uscito il nostro nuovo album. Si chiama Febrero. Ovvero Febbraio. Ma anche un po' Ferrero. E un po' Fiesta. e un po' Febbrone. Tra composizione dei brani, registrazione delle demo, crescita dei brani durante prove ed esibizioni dal vivo, registrazioni che coinvolgessero veramente tutti (Manuel Magnani, Mike Leffe, Dendrix, Porlock, ma anche Stars in Coma -SW, Anthony Rochester -USA, The Brigadier-UK), mixaggi sospesi tra colline romagnole e Svezia sono passati quei bei 4 annetti. Hanno fatto in tempo a formarsi band, cambiare formazione, vedere sorgere e morire l'epopea esplosiva del deflagrante verbo indie twee declinato in forma imperativa.
Risultato? Un album che abbiamo scritto e cullato pensandolo come il letto di un fiume in cui avrebbe dovuto scorrere una band, racchiudendo lo spirito di tutto quello che abbiamo amato da sempre della musica (vedi, personalmente, Bowie e i Beatles), ma che avesse rispecchiato anche uno stato d'animo preciso: la voglia di reagire all'infinito gelo emotivo di Febbraio, bello da stracciare come carta pesta per assistere all'alba di una calda rinascita spirituale.
I brani.
"February" incarna appunto questo stato d'animo. E' stata scritta in un momento di cangiante e terribilmente insicuro cambiamento della mia vita, senza nessuna prospettiva definita all'orizzonte. Prende spunto dal film di Hideaki Hanno "Love & Pop", dove la protagonista ricorda gli ultimi attimi della sua vita prima di morire annegata in piscina. Il ritornello invece spazia su tutt'altri orizzonti, e si basa sulla dicotomia "February/Heavenly" in onore della cantante Tomoko Kawase e i suoi due fantasiosi alter ego pop.
Tiny Trains
"Tiny Trains" continua sulle stesse coordinate. A quanto ho capito quando ci siamo conosciuti Manuel aveva una specie di collezione di trenini elettrici, e nel film "Love&Pop" vengono usati come metafora per rapportare il mondo sensibile a quello immaginifico. Il brano nacque da una sfira di Porlock di fare un brano "alla Pizzicato 5" e il mio desiderio di scrivere una canzone con un canone. Poi sono stato attraversato dal mio periodo "Flaming Lips" e il "treno" ha completamente deragliato....
The Psychopath At The Club
Nata su suggerimento di Matt Share sulle serate collettive del nostro gruppo di amici indie "irresistibili", parodia del brano "The Kids At The Club" dei Comet Gain, il brano (prodotto da Andrè Brorsson degli Stars in Coma) è farcito di riferimenti e citazioni pop e indie pop in una scoppiettante ballata psicopatica in stile Bowie "Scary Monster" mode.
Girls From Ronta
Il mio primo tentativo di scrivere una canzone con l'intento di incidere qualcosa di udibile all'orecchio umano senza che l'ascolto causasse danni imprecisati e indefiniti al cervello. Dopo "Girls from Mars", "Postcard from Italy", "Beirut", "I'm From Barcelona", "Country Girls" varie, era ora anche per il lillipuziano paesino romagnolo di avere il suo meritato momento di gloria.
A Song For EMI
Nata come ballad consolatoria per un'amica perennemente scontenta di ogni situazione che la circondava, il brano è un richiamo volutissimo e ricercato alle sonorità di uno dei mie artisti più amati: Elliott Smith. Il brano, che all'inizio si rivolge alla ragazza, finisce col parlare degli ultimi tormentati momenti della vita dei Beatles. Quasi profetico che, al momento della sua pubblicazione, proprio a Febbraio la EMI sia stata infine acquistata da un'altra società.
Chiaramente ispirata ad una canzone molto più famosa di un certo Mr. Bowie, nata come un richiamo a McCartney e Nancy Sinatra, alla fine anche grazie a Porlock il brano sembra più un pezzo dei Led Zeppelin in cui Cornelius suona la chitarra e i videogames mentre Damon Albarn tormenta le tastiere. Penso che Ginger Genie abbia segnato il punto di non ritorno nel cercare di confezionare un album tipico dei tardi anni 60 cercando di seminare qua e là diversi indizi in merito.
Kitty Jesus
A dimostrazione del fatto che il periodo in cui tutto questo fantastico progetto ha avuto inizio andava di moda un genere musicale chiamato "twee", dove handclapping, gatti e bolle di sapone erano la prerogativa principale per essere in linea con la scena indipendente del momento. Questa seconda versione è un po' diventato il tentativo di John Lennon di coverizzare i Flaming Lips. Andrè degli Stars in coma in basso e cori.
Silver Star
Questo brano era stato scritto inizialmente per una persona molto speciale. Nel 2000. Ha subito un'autentica trasformazione, trasformandosi da una spassionata canzone d'amore per una ragazza ad un'egoistica canzone d'amore per se stessi, appropriandoci della metafora western della "stella solitaria", un simbolo di solitaria giustizia che non si lascia mai abbattere dalle avversità. Se la prima versione risentiva molto delle influenze di Elvis Costello, ora ce la giochiamo tra Cure e Dinosaur Jr.
Scrambled Eggs
All'inizio si chiamava "3 Minutes Sun". Scritta di getto in un inverno, ma non di quattro anni fa. Si parla addirittura dei primi anni 90. Un sabato pomeriggio avevo avuto una vera e propria folgorazione, sono tornato a casa e ho scritto la canzone di getto. Aggiunta una strofa, ritoccato il testo e inserita una lunga coda strumentale, diversi anni dopo il brano era pronto per le incursioni di Porlock e Manuel al piano e violino e il meraviglioso elettroarrangiamento nuovo nuovo di Andrè degli Stars in Coma.
Mask Me Mask Me Mask Me
Anche se nessuno dei miei amici inglesi arriverà intuirlo, la mia coscienza non avrebbe mai trovato page se non mi fossi adoperato - in un album dedicato a Febbraio - nella scrittura di almeno un brano che parlasse del Carnevale, se non altro come metafora di trasformazione, esorcismo, liberazione da ogni tipo di freno, pregiudizio e catena. Qui partiamo facendo il verso a Morrissey ma ci ritroviamo a citare i Ramones. Catchy!
Total Groupie
Questa l'ho scritta in onore di un gruppo di amiche indie spagnole fondatrici di un club chiamato "Grupies Totales". Il brano celebra le emozioni di una vita libera in stile Rockenrò e ritrae con una megazoommata le parti salienti del film "Almost Famous". In mezzo però si nasconde anche una citazione legata a Cisco dei "Tiger, Tiger". Mi aveva colpito trovarlo a dirigere gli "I'm From Barcelona" in cima ad una sedia come un vero direttore d'orchestra durante le loro prove.
L'ultima canzone scritta in ordine temporale per Febrero. Quasi a due settimane dall'inizio del mastering. Era stata pensata come un duetto tra me e Fabio Benni dei Le Men Avec Les Lunettes. Avevamo già collaborato in passato per la prima versione di "The Psycopath At The Club" e una cover di "Walk Away Renee". Io avrei dovuto interpretare la parte di Bowie, e lui quella di Paul. Alla fine è toccato cavarmela con le mie forze. L'unico brano dove ho suonato praticamente tutto da solo, oltre ad un bel tappeto di organo Hammond di Anthony Rochester, che ha contribuito anche ad una precisissima linea di basso Hofner per "Mask Me Mask Me Mask Me".
Beachvolley Fields Forever
E se non è ispirata ai Beatles questa! Sono particolarmente soddisfatto del finale. Manuel con i violini della reprise si è spinto ai massimi livelli. Il brano è nato nei primi anni del 2000. Solo la melodia, che a dire il vero mi è apparsa in sogno. Il testo l'avrei scritto solo 7 anni più tardi.
Valentine Disco Night
Arrangiata in collaborazione con l'inglese The Brigadier, e la collaborazione di Simona Rovida ai cori. Il brano è un tulpa generato da un collage di ricordi di diverse esperienze legate ai miei "Fantasmi dei San Valentino Passati", in particolare alla morte di Marco Pantani. Ultimo dei brani di Febrero, il finale ragliato alla Billy Corgan è un vero e proprio esorcismo per tutto quello che meriterebbe che ci lasciassimo alle spalle assieme il gelido Febbraio. Una crepa nel ghiaccio, un velo strappato, una ferita necessaria per lasciare che l'anima torni in superficie a ossigenarsi.
"When I first heard ‘Febrero’ by the wickedly-named Tiny Tide, (it’s a play on New Wave indie), I immediately felt like grabbing a full-length overcoat and heading off to the local library to mope around, just like all those Morrissey-loving kids in the mid 80’s."
A really nice review by Charlie Levels on our new "Febrero". Do check it here... thumbs up!
I always had a romantic view of life. Relationships were no exception. I can understand sometime it's hard being in the mood for dreaming of stars and dove, but if I get to choose I stand for being in a harmless comic rather than a gloomy cynical reality. Part of the "Impossible Love Songs" project, guess that this "Peynet Lovers" it's all about that, rushed by the will of introducing my old Casio PT-82 to listeners and friends.
"Peynet Lovers 15 years old dreams spent on Peynet Lovers Art school and beer where meant for Peynet Lovers Sweeping the floor from drawings Peynet Lovers Chocolate boxes gone for
Make more money to stay in Paris Rendevus, sitting on benches while a long hair dude right from the bandstand playing sweet sweet tunes enliving his violin
We're not supposed to rush It's not like it's a trap When did we start to fight?
We can't go on living just pretending it's so peachy
We're not Peynet Lovers Too many heartbreaks killed Peynet Lovers Can't get an answer stright from Peynet Lovers Papercut passions now burn Peynet Lovers Look at us running from
Love and poems Live touring worldwide Dolls and scarves Valence to Hiroshima Craftsman said Long live the bride we look like newly-weds praying in prada dresses
It's almost Valentine My mood it's cold and far Don't feel like I could smile Sometime I might lose my charm and I don't wanna live like we are
Peynet Lovers Holding eachothers like sweet Peynet Lovers Whimsy and shiny just like Peynet Lovers Welcome to real world my Peynet Lovers We're going crazy for
"Calling a track The Smiths & The Cure marks them out as an indie band but calling them indie seems like an insult. If you place them in a box this band'll blow the sides off. They are so much more than indie. They're the coolest kids on the block and the strangest in the neighbourhood.It's the time that the tide turned it's time you turned to Tiny Tide."
I don't know this bloke, but this review really made my day knocking me out. Thanks to "The Devil" and the one and only Marilyn Roxie and her Vulpiano Records.
February has always been a crucial period for me. It was February when I realized I had to start a new life, it was February when I was left alone, it was February when I wondered from pub to clubs asking my friends what could have been a real cool name for an album. The answer was quite clear, after I began to work on it’s first track.
“February” - the song - brought me a lot of luck. I had no idea I was about to form a band when I wrote it. It was just a reflection on some dark feelings I lived and some sort of tribute to Hideaki Kanno’s movie “Love & Pop”. Then the chorus came, and I wondered about Tomoko Kawase killing her fictional character Tommy February6 to resurrect as a new character as Tommy Heavenly6. February was not such a bad name for an album after all. In a month Tiny Tide were formed, and I guess that it’s mostly due to that first demo.
Why “Febrero” then? As Tiny Tide began to record the first songs we had a lot of connection with Latin American stuff and Spanish contacts. We were really close to Belanova Fanclub, we even covered their song “Niño”, even broadcasted on the National Mexican Radio, we had the pleasure to get in contact with a team of indie girls called “Grupies Totales” (see the track “Total Groupie”) from Valencia, and we featured the Spanish compilation “Pop Nation” for Bon Vivant Records.
It was a newexperience to start thinking about my songs as something played by a band in front of an audience and not only by this boy in a room for some other insane youngster with somekind of devide stuck in his hears. We started to play together, tear apart, meet new bands and friends during collaborations and live show.
So, what is Febrero after all? An alternative score on a niche Japanese movie? An album on winter? A tribute to David Bowie and The Beatles? A Via Crucis on the denial and acquiescence of my bleeding heart? Just a reflection on those days indie scene? Don’t really know. This album goes for those four years that binded our paths to a unique unforgettable tracks.
FEBRERO - This song reflects the opening sequences of Hideaki Kanno’s movie “Love & Pop”. A girl is pondering on the last moments of her empty life before drowning in a swimming pool. The song is also a tribute to the Japanese singer Tomoko Kawase.
TINY TRAINS - Second song inspired by “Love & Pop”. I have always been fashinated by trains, as I find them very adventurous and relaxing, Trains symbolize new adventures and unpredictable connections to new people. The song started with Porlock suggesting to make a song in a Pizzicato 5 style, but I guess it changed over time. I also wanted to experiment a bit trying to write a canon(Don't know what you mean here). The choirs are deeply influenced by Wayne Coyne.
THE PSYCHOPATH AT THE CLUB - This song is a collage of bands' name and songs, being my futile attempt to try and get into the so called “indie scene” in 2006. It’s cleatly a nod to Fanfarlo's “The Kids At The Club”, but you can see a lot of retro-influences in here as well. First demo was recorded with Fabio Benni from Le Man Avec Les Lunettes. He was also the one suggesting the song should have sounded like a “Scary Monster” track by David Bowie. That’s why I needed the help from Andrè Brorsson from Stars in Coma.
GIRLS FROM RONTA - This song was intentionally written to be a hit, and it was fun to see how voices soon spread in my town refering to “a boy who had made a track that really rocks”. Ronta is a very small town close to another tiny town nearby my tiny little city. The most common comment from girls from my place is: “Are there even Girls in Ronta?”. I put Beach Boys, Ash, Primal Scream, Blur in a superblender and came out with yet another mock on the local indie scene, where girls are trying to catch up with fashion in a not so cosmopolitan town.
A SONG FOR EMI - Definetly a tribute to Elliott Smith. Manuel always said this is the song he wants to play his children to put them to sleep. The song stars as a consolation to a girl, but in the end it’s all about four lads from Liverpool who changed our lives with their songs.
GINGER GENIE - Clearly a mock on a quite famous song from Mr. David Bowie. It all started with a sequence of notes in a Nancy Sinatra style. Porlock brought new life to our first version with a totally unespected synth solo on my little Alesis Micron.
KITTY JESUS - Writing an album called “FEBERERO” was not in my mind when I wrote this song, neither playing in a band. Still it was my first attempt not to write something personal but trying to catch people's attention with typical indie/twee scene motives such as cats, hand claps, two open chords along with la la la la choirs. The song was clearly influenced by McCartney and a show called “Andy Milonakis”. Oh, yeah! There were an olympionic marathone crossing my town that year.
SILVER STAR - The first version of this song was called “SILVIA”. 11 years has passed. It is still a nice little tune. I turned the song in some kind of cowboy anthem on the braveness of finding the strength to carry on where there's no one else but ourselves.
SCRAMBLED EGGS - First “Yesterday”’s title. It’s no secret at all. I wrote this song a little bit later, in 1993. At least it was always winter! A sunny day. I went to visit my mother in her shop, and I was blown away by the unespected presence of a girl I suddently felt in love with. Like snow melting in the sun, this feeling lasted only a day, but it was enough for me to write a song. The first title of the song was “3 Minutes Sun”. I added some lyrics and the psychadelic coda for a new version to finally have André Brorsson totally reinvent the arrangement in a day, only to find the song destroyed along with his old hard disk. Lucky for me he sent it to me before it was lost in the digital grayeyard!
MASK ME MASK ME MASK ME - In Italy we’ve got a strange celebration called “Carnevale”. It’s basically our Halloween, and it was inevitable to have a song about people masking themselves for parties on an album called “Febrero”. The song was deeply influenced by a band from Bristol called “Santa Dog”.
We had the honour to share a little Italian tour with them, and we got to know some very special human beings. Guess there’s a little bit of Morrissey’s distress and life bugs here as well, as the tune talks about a very popular celebrity unable to lead a normal life among other people outside his home. He feels sad and alone, so he prays to this girl to change his life, and to hide his persona under a new identity in order to get some fun and meet people in obscure parties. It’s a song about dreaming of redemption in desperate times, I suppose. Aren’t we all dreamers after all? Last line goes out to a band called Ramones.
TOTAL GROUPIE - This song was made as a tribute to the Spanish indie team of “Grupies Totales”. It’s all about the ‘70s and a movie called “Almost Famous”. Although there’s a specific line that goes to Cisco from “Tiger! Tiger”, trying to catch him while directin all the members of “I’m From Barcelona” on the top of a chair. Andrea Lucchi from “Stones of Venice” brought new life to the song thanks to his typical guitar arpeggio and a catchy upbeat drum.
LOVER / LOSER - This is the last song I wrote for Febrero. The song started with the intention of trying to involve Fabio Benni in a duo pretending to be Paul McCartney and David Bowie on a song that never meant to be. I never got an answer from Fabio, so I just carried on the song by myself trying not too hard to get to schizoid. At first the song was meant to be about Abraham Lincoln (born February the 12th) and his homonymous jazz player, but the dichotomic idea of Lover Vs Loser came to my mind and the tune was completely changed. The song is done almost by myself, except from Anthony Rochster providing a marvellous Hammond Organ.
BEACHVOLLEY FIELDS FOREVER - One sunday morning I woke up, sharing the bed with a real cute lady. I sneaked to my keyboard and I started to play this song. “What’s that?”, she said half asleep. “It just came to my mind, its’ something from Lenny Kravitz”. I said that because I woke up after having dreamt about hearing Lenny at the Radio. The rest of the melody came to my mind after few days, but the track remained without lyrics for nearly 7 years. Never recorded. Only in my head. The name for the title came to my mind during a winter walk by the sea, complaining to myself on how beach volley fields were given more and more space from the beach every year. In time the song became some sort of Strawberry Fields 2.0. Take it away.
VALENTINE DISCO NIGHT - One day me and my ex-girlfriend went out from a restaurant on a Valentine Night, when I received a strange call from a friend: “Marco is dead”. We were quite scared at first, since a friend of ours died not so long ago in a car crash. It turned out to be Marco Pantani. This song is about him too, but in the end you will find many Valentine experiences I had summed up into one relieving and reveling chant. I tried to ignore the elephant in the room for the whole February, but in the end here it is. Still hurt, shaking, down on the ground, waiting for a new March to bring the sun back.
"My wicked heart". A perfect future love song by Marina & The Diamond archie enemy Diana Vickers. I know it's such a wreck being indie and even mentioning that artis, but you have to admit that the production behind this song, video and artist is really cutting edge and ahead of the times (especially for the tempo changes and the whole cut-up synths and drums stuff). And what the hell... Diana is really cool! What the hell if she even unconsciously mocked Red Hot Chilly Peppers! I didn't even notice that before reading the comments on her Youtube channe.
Though this was a really good point to try to make a cover of the song, that's why I decided to have myself a try and record a "My Wicked Heart" cover trying to use only a drum, bass, no more than two guitars and some random synths solo. I used this set up to record another song written during the weekend, trying to blend politic, gossip and the "impossible love songs" theme that seemed to be the theme of our next collection of songs (politic and love together in a love song? I live in Italy, leave it to me!),
The song that came out is called "Rubi Et Orbi", trying to imagine which kind of love song Roy Orbison cwould have written to Anthony Kiedis if involved in the Berlusconi affair instead of Emilio.
Hope they won't put me in the same hospital of Wayne Coyne and Walter Bishop. Enjoy.
"Hey good evening look at me got a problem can't you see it was half a week ago when they kicked me far from home
Is it legal? I don't know guess I lost her fake passport she took everything I had threw my heart and kept the rest
Won't you pardon me lady I couldn't help but see you've been pooled the wool over on beady eyes asleep It's so hard to be weaky tryin' getting through the week when it's Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Rubi and Orbi a little world gone waste Rubi and Orbi how to communicate I don't believe your easy cheats You're acting good but they're so cheap O-oooh Rubi and Orbi As filth as they can be
Can I tell you what to do? Share my stupid point of view? Better take care of your youth I could break your legs, it's true
So shut up and have some sex You can call him after that In the morning he'll be gone So tonight is all we've got
Won't you pardon me baby I couldn't help but cry You've been talking for hours and never cracked a smile It's so hard to be pretty when we don't have the time to wait Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Rubi and Orbi a little world gone waste Rubi and Orbi how to communicate I don't believe your easy cheats You're acting good but they're so cheap O-oooh Rubi and Orbi As filth as they can be
May our holy prayers fix all their troubles and misfits it's a never-virgin beat blessing blessing unconfessed sins
Won't you pardon me baby I couldn't help but cry You've been talking for hours and never cracked a smile It's so hard to be pretty when we don't have the time to wait Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Rubi and Orbi a little world gone waste Rubi and Orbi how to communicate I don't believe your easy cheats You're acting good but they're so cheap O-oooh Rubi and Orbi As filth as they can be I know She's walking back to me I'm sure she's walking back to me just turn around and see she's walking back to me"
This are the first words from the last call of Ryoji Kaji to Misato Katsuragi, NERV Operation Director in Hideaki Kanno anime Neon Genesis Evangelion. Not exactly an happy ever after one, but a very intense fictional relationship that moved a lot of otaku more than ten years ago. And since Rimauli from Annemarie keeps on asking me for more imaginary lovesongs -and I'm already risking to be arrested for bigamy - I looked back into the past for memories that really made my days.
Guess I drove a little too far into Pink Floyd Road in the end. Hope I won't get lots!
"Katsuragi, it's me... I guess I'll cause you troubles when you're listening to this Forgive what I did Do tell our common friend I'm sorry for this twist
And dealing with troubles since that's what you'll got I want to give another task to you I could not carry on Take care of all the old plants I planted on my own
I would be glad if you'd decide to water what I've grown You know where they belong....
There's more I want to say I guess you'll have to be more than a brave girl after that The truth now is with you Just carry on, don't esitate, whatever blocks the way
And dealing with feelings I can't hold my heart I'd dare to share another night with you But soon I'll fall apart Take care of all the moments We grew in better days
If I ever see you again I'll say the words that I couldn't say eight years ago Goodbye"
And here's another one from the songs that are waiting in a little box of my room to come out but I felt the urgence to write. It's called "Jesus Green", and it's dedicated to my friends in Albion. I tried to picture the perfect lazy summer day in a distant peaceful country. See ya there in 2011.
"Have you ever heard 'bout Jesus Green Quite a miracle for you to see Not a soul around just skies and green While the summer slow things endlessly the swimming pool was laying calm and still the perfect place to have a walk in peace In Jesus Green
See Victoria from the common land Always dreamy with a book at hand Hope that William won't get too upset gonna wake her up one of these days River came to rest and Jesus locked the gates wouldn't be a shame to lose that graceful day in Jesus Green"
Cara Emilia Pond. This is a strange period of my time-space line continuum. It's just like I'm stuffed with things to do in my agenda, but since I've got some free time all I cared was to write down and record some songs really knocking hard at the doors of my heart. Most of them are impossible love songs, and this one goes to you, and all the Doctor Who tv show addicted. It's called "Come Along Pond". Jonny Lee Hart from Leed did a great job with his guitar. It was fun!
"Your smile so fine the perfect place to ride and drive to your green eyesyou set my mind on fire
drowning dreams into my rhymes your long red hairs are just wires connecting my desire and I get to know much more 'bout my new love I guess I'm fond on so come along Pond
Still lost in time and space The very day you came A crack into my life Has thorn my heart apart
5 minutes seem too long when it's you I rely on to cure my erratic state I want you home to talk about my new love I guess I'm fond on so come along Pond
Still lost in time and space The very day you came A crack into my life Has thorn my heart apart 5 minutes seem too long And I'm wondering...
Are you gonna be and be, and see the one from that kissogram do tell her all
about my new love I guess I need you so come along Pond"
I guess it's no secret. At least... not now anymore! Some months have passed since I felt in love with Marina from Marina & The Diamonds by the word. I mean: she's like Regina Spector turning Lady Ga Ga to an unsuspected clever side, a unique pop genius and... ok, she's terribly cute! That's why I had a song called "A Diamond for Marina" in my brain for months. Winter vacation was kind enough to bring me some time to record it and share it with you.
PS:"Some references to Elvis too. Both of them ;)"
"They say it last forever Not like all the other things You're heart is a gemstone could break into my dreams just like burning stars your eyes are made of carbon and I can't pretend to handle your superlative walk
I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die A Diamond for Marina I've gotta buy I've gotta buy I've gotta buy I've gotta buy A bible for a ritual I've gotta try I've gotta try I've gotta try I've gotta try My pretty ballerina I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die A Diamond for Marina, Yo!
Maybe in Hollywood in a sparkling little place Elvis meets Marylin Stealing cherry anc champaigne A taste of happiness I want to prove myself that there's a chance to take your hand in mine, your whole life too
I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die A Diamond for Marina I've gotta buy I've gotta buy I've gotta buy I've gotta buy A bible for a ritual I ga ga ga ga ga ga I've gotta try I've gotta try I've gotta try I've gotta try My pretty ballerina I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die A Diamond for Marina, Yo!
I felt in love... In love with Marina A brunette girl She just don't care my name is...
I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die A Diamond for Marina I've gotta buy I've gotta buy I've gotta buy I've gotta buy A bible for a ritual I've gotta try I've gotta try I've gotta try I've gotta try My pretty ballerina I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die A Diamond for Marina, Yo!"