-Hey, I can't find nothing on the radio!
-Yo! turn to that station!
Tnx to Enver Kay & Radio Sherwood.
30 August 2007
29 August 2007
Once Upon A Band Ago
While it's fun knowing by friends that "Girls From Ronta" keep on going through the radio (Thanks, namaste) Tiny Tide are back in a studio for some rehearsals at least. After getting lost trying to reach this new location in the dark and warm night of the countryside (literally "feeling lost in Country Churchyards"), Porlock and me finally manage to find A CAR (id est civilization) to stop and ask for a way. We look closely: it's Manuel. He got lost too!
We finally managed the studio with a little help from some midnight biker, sort-of a rural family with children at their back with their mini-bikes, proclaiming that they didn't knew any Music Studio, but they knew a place where there was a lot of noise and played songs every night. That was!
Mark, Porlock, Manuel and Joe back together. Uncertain if we're playing for girls, karma, money or just to have fun. Joe's new motto is:"BELANOOOVAAAAAAA!!!!", shouted out loud before the start of "Girlfriend", that - I must confess - kick asses.
We gave a try to "Tiny Trains" too, and it went out quite fine, thanks also to our past-practice at Mansarda Studio from me and Porlock.
Freighting moment of the night: while discussing about rights with the others I suddenly listen to the sound of a hammond-like keyboard playing a tune from the nearby studio-room. There's no doubt. It's "Tiny Train". I got blue in the face. It was Porlock checking out the instruments of our dear neighbour!
We finally managed the studio with a little help from some midnight biker, sort-of a rural family with children at their back with their mini-bikes, proclaiming that they didn't knew any Music Studio, but they knew a place where there was a lot of noise and played songs every night. That was!
Mark, Porlock, Manuel and Joe back together. Uncertain if we're playing for girls, karma, money or just to have fun. Joe's new motto is:"BELANOOOVAAAAAAA!!!!", shouted out loud before the start of "Girlfriend", that - I must confess - kick asses.
We gave a try to "Tiny Trains" too, and it went out quite fine, thanks also to our past-practice at Mansarda Studio from me and Porlock.
Freighting moment of the night: while discussing about rights with the others I suddenly listen to the sound of a hammond-like keyboard playing a tune from the nearby studio-room. There's no doubt. It's "Tiny Train". I got blue in the face. It was Porlock checking out the instruments of our dear neighbour!
27 August 2007
I Speak Prosciutto
E' stato divertente su(o)nare in spiaggia con i Clever Square. Abbiamo improvvisato un piccolo show sand-made strimpellando canzoni dei Clever, dei Tiny... e degli Apples in Stereo! (i ragazzi conoscono molte canzoni del repertorio).
Aspettatore involontario il chitarrista de Three in one Gentleman Suite, che durante la serata ci hanno servito uno show al fulmicotone. Finalmente una giornata d'estate!
Aspettatore involontario il chitarrista de Three in one Gentleman Suite, che durante la serata ci hanno servito uno show al fulmicotone. Finalmente una giornata d'estate!
22 August 2007
The Blogger's Hot Sun
I Speak Prosciutto

Io sono un assiduo lettore dell'Emoteca.
Di quello che tocca Enrico Veronese, buono o meno buono, prendo, clicco, assaggio. TUTTO. Grazie a lui e le sue segnalazioni ho conosciuto alcuni dei miei "Vini Preferiti": Ten Thousand Bees, Thousand Millions, Atari, Carpacho.
E devo confessare che, fra un Tafuzzy Day (appariro' nella compilation di quest'anno nelle vesti di m'Ar(o con "Domenica Ammessa") e i conterronei AmiCanBe (chiamati sempre con ironia gli Heineken B) che hanno un'imminente uscita sul mercato Interplanetario con il loro nuovo album, anche questa sera mi accingevo con mesta assuefazione a leggere tutte le novita' che EnVer si apprestava a segnalare e condividere di buon cuore a noi comuni plebei. Teppaglia. Un mito Enrico. Lo stimo talmente tanto che una volta mi sono perfino spacciato per il suo alter ego Enrico VeronesI.
Arrivo fino a quasi al termine del suo "Speciale Tormentoni 2007"... quando... ecco... leggo...
" Non sarà ancora a puntino come vorrebbe il perfezionista del suo autore, ma "Girls from Ronta" dei Tiny Tide spacca quel tanto che basta e che ti fa cantare "How can you do all the things that you do" neanche venisse from Bar-ce-lo-na... Ancora migliore il remix synthpop che ne sta facendo il dj fiammingo Da Wikked... Occhio a questi, che tra "February", "Kitty Jesus" e "A song for Emi" c'è da trarre qualche indicazione lusinghiera per il futuro."
Qui tutto l'articolo :)
Grazie Envy.
Avevi ragione tu. Non era tutta Coca-Cola quella che sembrava Tavernello
Postfatto: Dopo rapida consultazione telefonica io e Porlock stiamo gia' pensando di fare diventare Ronta quello che 'e stato Memphis per Elvis, e aprire una Trattoria chiamandola "Tiny Tony", con ip pay-off:"Tiny Tony e i miglior Rigatoni".
A questo punto ci serve veramente tutto il vino di Enver!
20 August 2007
Domenica Ammessa
I Speak Prosciutto
Tempo fa, tipo anno scorso, avevo un progetto di musica psichedelica acustica in Italiano in cui non crededeva nessuno. Bene. Ci hanno creduto i ragazzi di Tafuzzy Record. Nella raccolta Tafuzzy 2007, presentata venerdi' prossimo a Riccione, troverete il brano di m'Ar(o chiamato "Domenica Ammessa".
Qui il vecchio blog del progetto.
Qui il vecchio blog del progetto.
Girlfriend - English Lyrics
That's my English version of the song Niño by Belanova:
is time to say goodbye
life sent me so far
from here
I can feel
the same pain
in distant tears
It’s love, it’s longing to behold
That love that just can’t be hold
It’s love the place we can’t belong
To dust on an empty road
Can’t send
the warmth of my embrace
time was meant to erase
Any trace
of mistakes
and the pain
in distant tears
It’s love, it’s longing to behold
That love that just can’t be hold
It’s love the place we can’t belong
To dust on an empty road
It’s tiwst of fate
yet not a fairy tail
There are no words
left over to be read
back to the shelf
I needed to be placed
Can’t help myself
So Long
is time to say goodbye
life sent me so far
from here
I can feel
the same pain
in distant tears
It’s love, it’s longing to behold
That love that just can’t be hold
It’s love the place we can’t belong
To dust on an empty road
Can’t send
the warmth of my embrace
time was meant to erase
Any trace
of mistakes
and the pain
in distant tears
It’s love, it’s longing to behold
That love that just can’t be hold
It’s love the place we can’t belong
To dust on an empty road
It’s tiwst of fate
yet not a fairy tail
There are no words
left over to be read
back to the shelf
I needed to be placed
Can’t help myself
So Long
19 August 2007
I wish they all could be Ronta Girls
This is the line-uo if the Weast Coast American Troy's Room Radio Show of 2 weeks ago:
Show 57:
Swervedriver - SciFlier
The Pocket Gods - Telstar Gurl
Tiny Tide - Girls From Ronta
Interview - The Fades (Pt.2 of 4)
The Fades - Blade
The Federalists - Stay Gone
Thorn Hill - Believe
Slow Burning Car - King Con
The Fades - Kalishnakov
Verve - Gravity Grave
Isn't it a good line-up? :)
Thanks L.A.! :D
Show 57:
Swervedriver - SciFlier
The Pocket Gods - Telstar Gurl
Tiny Tide - Girls From Ronta
Interview - The Fades (Pt.2 of 4)
The Fades - Blade
The Federalists - Stay Gone
Thorn Hill - Believe
Slow Burning Car - King Con
The Fades - Kalishnakov
Verve - Gravity Grave
Isn't it a good line-up? :)
Thanks L.A.! :D
Halleluja Girlfriend!
And now some news from Mexico!
"La Banda Italiana de Indie-pop Los Tiny Tide hizo un cover de la cancion niño de belanova titulada Girlfriend es una cancion completamente diferente a lo que escuchamos con belanova, ya que esta version es completamente pop asi que esperemos que la escuchen en el myspace de la banda (para entrar al myspace de la banda solo da click en la imagen) ellos se concideran fan de belanova, ya que incluso el vocalista llamado Mark Zonda le canto a denisse el Happy Bday para al celebracion del pasado cumpleaños de Denisse en www.denisseguerrero.com "
The other good news is that the one-man-band "Stars in Coma" was so kind to step on the editing of the song (or giving it a try, at least) and rec a second voice on the song. Dosen't that sound great?
"La Banda Italiana de Indie-pop Los Tiny Tide hizo un cover de la cancion niño de belanova titulada Girlfriend es una cancion completamente diferente a lo que escuchamos con belanova, ya que esta version es completamente pop asi que esperemos que la escuchen en el myspace de la banda (para entrar al myspace de la banda solo da click en la imagen) ellos se concideran fan de belanova, ya que incluso el vocalista llamado Mark Zonda le canto a denisse el Happy Bday para al celebracion del pasado cumpleaños de Denisse en www.denisseguerrero.com "
The other good news is that the one-man-band "Stars in Coma" was so kind to step on the editing of the song (or giving it a try, at least) and rec a second voice on the song. Dosen't that sound great?
18 August 2007

17 August 2007
10 August 2007
Foresta Musicale
I Speak Prosciutto
Questa ancora non mi era capitata. "Girls From Ronta" su Radio Sherwood. E con tanto di presentazione di band e progetto. Ho la pelle d'oca. E non ce l'ho nemmeno quando salgo sul palco. Grazie MR DJ :)
8 August 2007
6 August 2007
3 August 2007
2 August 2007
1 August 2007
In Studio No-One Can See You Play

I have to admitt that yesterday's rehearsal were quite bizzarre.
Spotting some moments...
* Air condictioning out of service. Joe playing in underwear
* Manuel's "unkonwn label no-filter foreign one smoke killer cicarettes" from Slovenia
* Mark and Porlock Damon Albarn kinda blinkin' uplifted facing on "A Song for EMI"
We're ready to gig!
Spotting some moments...
* Air condictioning out of service. Joe playing in underwear
* Manuel's "unkonwn label no-filter foreign one smoke killer cicarettes" from Slovenia
* Mark and Porlock Damon Albarn kinda blinkin' uplifted facing on "A Song for EMI"
We're ready to gig!
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