30 November 2008
27 November 2008
Tide Tide Tide

Compagni, Amici, Contadini. Noi - i Tiny Tide - suoneremo il 12 Dicembre al Sinatra Cafè di Cesena. Tutte le .info > qui < style="font-weight: bold;"> Tiny Tide - 12 Dicembre - Sintara Cafè - Cesena.
Alright? :)
22 November 2008
I Would Say
As probably very fiew of view will know, not only I am working on my first album with Tinies and the new demos for the next, but I'm pushing some schwartz on a second Tiny EP too.
It will be basically a collection of works rearranged in a fine electronical version by my dear friend and "Maya Saakmoto fan" Wildheart, (Stefano Lanzavecchia) who already collaborated with Sahara Simon in the past, now buisy in comosing scores for D&D Fantasy maniacs (what a man!)
That's why I'm re-writing a couple of tracks from the past these days.
That's called "I would say".
The original song was written in magical 1996. Written in Langhirano in a lazy afternoon doin' nothing but listening to Oasis B-Sides and watching tennis, the song was basically a crazy and insane love tune for Anna Kournikova, and nowadays it has turned out to be a work on being aware on the course our life's taking and rising some doubts on which directions we've gotta take.
Here's the lyrics, anyway:
I would say
- Can you tell me it's ok? -
"Can I burn me inside your flames"
I would say
- Still I'm not sure if I may -
"Are we going straight to Hell?"
I don't know if I'm crazy
Is the whole world going insane
Can't they tell me the difference
between pleasre and the pain
I would say
"Will you take me by the hand?"
Will you bring me down in vain?
I would say
"Will you handle me with care?"
I would carry on this way
I would wait
Like a needle in the hay
For your fire to escape
I'd turn red
Just to show you I still care
If I'd hurt you by mistake
I don't know if I'm lazy
Is the whole world running mad?
Can't they tell me the difference
between hide and being chased
I would say...
20 November 2008
Falling and Laughing
This is called "Mask Me Mask Me Mask Me", and it's dedicated to our friend from Brisol.
And this is the rest of the show! It was a strange night, with me walking with a mug full of Coca-Cola and the audience so calm with some sort of japanese thatre attitude, but always steady with a warm applause eager for encores. Thank you so much Diagonal. See you next time.
Tiny Tide - Pics Pt.1 (by Sonia)
Tiny Tide - Pics Pt.2 (by Matt Share)
Tiny Tide - “Mask Me Mask Me Mask Me” Video
Tiny Tide - “A Song For EMI” Video
Tiny Tide - “S♥L” Video
Tiny Tide - “S♥L” Video (Matt Share version)
Tiny Tide - "A Song For EMI reprise" Video
19 November 2008
Il Crosspost E' Male

La cosa che mi stupisce non è tanto che oggi i Tiny comprivano nella stampa locale (cosa che comunque fa sempre molto piacere, soprattutto quando sono gli amici ad avvisarti per telefono le prime ore del mattino)... ma il fatto che Bertaccini si dimostri un lurcatore talmente attento da avere incluso tra i brani programmatici della band "The Smiths and the cure" e "DAT". Cioe'. Quei brani sono stati solo fatti sentire a pochi amici in fase di bozza.... QUESTA DOMENICA!
Grazie Supergigi :)
Dal Resto del Carino del 19/11/08
Tiny Tide, rock al Diagonal
SONO I TINY TIDE gli ospiti del Fiagonal Loft Club, in Viale Salinatore 101. Si tratta di una giovane rock band di Cesena che canta in Inglese. Il singolo "Girls from Ronta" è stato trasmesso in diverse trasmissioni radiofoniche di musica indipendente.
Dal Corriere Cesena del 19/11/08
Al Diagonal ecco i "Tiny Tide"
Forlì. Un'altra formazione della sempre più attiva scena indipendente locale, i "Tiny Tide", si esibirà questa sera sul palco del "Diagonal Loft Club" di Forlì in Viale Salinatore 101, per la sua programmazione dal vivo del mercoledì sera. E? una delle formazioni, dal punto di vista biografico, più giovani, ma anche più attive, emerse nelle ultime stagioni, infatti il quartetto cesenate ha già collezionato molte esibizioni dal vivo presentando il loro primo mini album intitolato "The Ronta EP". Il Suono del gruppo è un personale incontro tra ilfluenze brit pop, suggesioni da "nuova onda" di fine anni 70, ed un approccio delicato e quasi naif, che rende fragili ma romanticamente intriganti le loro canzoni.
Uno stile personale guidato dallo "spirito" di Mark Zonda, una delle figure più attente e curiose della scena romagnola, che si muove tra dj set, cura della grafica personale del gruppo, ed uno studio di registrazione dove il gruppo si ritrova per incidere brani che hanno titoli esplicativi come "The Smiths and the cure" e "DAT", un segreto curioso da scoprire, a partire dall 22, ad ingresso libero.
18 November 2008
Dopo Airport e Garlsbergs...
Russia reign over me
17 November 2008
Rece su Music Club
Ian Della Casa
Grazie Ian :)
Two New Songs :)
The first it's called "The Smiths and the Cure"
The song was meant as a response to “The House Of Love” track “The Beatles and The Rolling Stones”, yet suspiciously similar to the 60’s Italian hit “C’era un ragazzo che come me...” by Gianni Morandi. I tried to catch the first feeling I got when I virtually met “The Smiths” For the first time. I was a little kid eating his dinner in front of TV, and all those dark video with insects and claustrofobic imaginery were really insane to me. The middle part of the song was inspired by a news I read one saturnday morning while eating a slice of piza in a bar. They said that people from London were upset by the proposal of introducing double decked coffins in the City’s Cemetery to fill the lack of space for its dead guest. Neurons collided!
The second is "DAT". "DAT" comes from a strange period of my life. I was addicted with the BLogTV thing. I was so happy to get inside the live of some very special people, able to gave me a little smile even when I was in a really bad mood or day. It was the case of a london girl, who used to sing bits of songs while pausing a casual conversation. She was so cute! When she sange that songs my mind got free from any tought, and just few seconds of a tune she used to sing more frequently than others was able to send true happines though my heart. I had ask her about the song. Try to imagine my surprise when I found out that the original song was totally changed on her way to sing it. The real song had really nothing special to get impressed about. I had to try to catch that genious tune in someway, and so it changed for the third time.
Here it is now, the copy of the copy of a nice melody, with the hope it could bring some happiness also to you.
Tiny Tide - "The Smiths and The Cure" (Acoustic Demo)
Tiny Tide - "DAT" (Acoustic Demo)
Here's the Lyrics
"It all began with wires and flares, the virus spread
The images flew out of the sets
In every home, in every spot with worms and rats
the lepper stuck inside their brains
Not all the boys, not all the girls were drove insane
There's plenty that just didn't care
They live their lives, they love their wives, they lead them blind
A hope to neutralize the threat
The Smiths and the cure
The Smiths and the cure
The Smiths and the cure
Rings bell on smantic calls
The Smiths and the cure
And nobody wants to die
on a double-decked coffin in the dark of overcrowded London yards.
Nobody wants, they might
bow to find that penny
you drop from the eye
you won't stand to say goodbye
The line is dead do undestand that something changed
Still rumors are alive and cross the land
William, Keats and Joan of Arc are back together
They're waiting for Cleopatra to get Wilde
They pulled their socks, they made it work, it was defeated
The anemics got free from evil funks
The new romantic cult stares at Manchester strange ways
They're back from graves to dance, that's what they get...
The Smiths and the cure..."
"I just had a date and I found her
I just met the girl and I like her
Never been in town
Let's go walk for a ride
Too late for the park
There's a new place to hide
Take me to the bus
Let's go down to the stop
Have a cup of tea
Blend your sugar with me
Gotta go for a while
Hope you don't change your mind to lose your time
with a scumbag like me
I just had a date and I found her
I just met the girl and I like her
Wanna hold your hand
hope the timing is right
if your' not that girl
can you act for a while
so don't look surprise
we got stars in our eyes
Cought your milky way
Hop the coffe is fine
Gonna stay for a while
Hope you don't realy mind but take your time
Turn the walk in your life
I just had a date and I found her
I just met the girl and I like her
I got her, I got her, I got her, I got in her mind..."
13 November 2008
The Rise

Today a little pack was left on my desk. It came from London. It was from Philip. Id est: LeBleu.
The Concept album "The Rise and Fall of LeBleu" is out. You can check the song I helped to write and sing in our space.
Here's the first review:
"Le Blue is an occasional concept band driven by Edinburgh based musician, Philip Lockwood Holmes. His second album, released via Google Checkout is now available and is an imaginative and pretty ambitious travelogue through the history of civilisations that have risen and fallen over the eons. ... / The stand out track, Rock in the Empire, in collaboration with Mark Zonda from Tiny Tide verges on Rock and Roll."
You can find the album HERE.

Here's he lyrics:
" Checking all the maps that brought me here
Noise still in my head
Places at my back crossed with an x
Red marks on my path
Engine waiting still and cold at touch
Nations in my hands
Wondering how hard was for a man
To ride from land to land
Ages since I held your marble arms
Far away from here
Once you were the centre of the World
Then you crawled in fear
Dancing to the sound of drums and claps
Conquered by a smile
You won’t turn me down, your faith and pride
Won’t shake these walls tonight
Dates are numbers on a paper killing moments cut of labour nailing our future to the past
You rope me in some romantic jokes
Holding on the power till I’m done
To live each spark of life
Free at last from orders, can’t realize
I’m still a slave to vice
Blinking lights are flashing over people pop and fade in new positions bringing balance to the dance
Colliding in your Jin & Coke
Shut your silly voice and hide that smile
time are changing fast
Keep apart the triumphs and the best
And give them all the rest
When it’s over dark come closer killing sparks and blowing moments cloaking every witness on the track
Grey sparrows picking off the bread
I was never meant to be afraid
I was never meant to be afraid
I was never meant to be so late
I was never meant to save a pray
Dazzles coming in a thunder drawing circles over temples leaving all that beauty at their back
Black leather in some ionic slams
Killing all the conquests of the past
Killing all the conquests of the past
Lead away the future from the grave
Throw dices on that muddy lap
Coming home with no solutions for my august revolution pulling off the helmet from the head
Was your world ready for this mess"
10 November 2008
5 November 2008
"Se delicie com misturas de Acqua com Brian Eno; Primal Scream com Cake e Pizzicato Five em versões dançantes com um quê de Indie Rock e Folk perfumado cheio de pérolas como "Go Ego Go" de Lacrosse. The Ronta EP é contagiante e divertido destaque para "Girlfriend" e "Girls From Rinta".
Tiny Tide é um Indie Rock Pop nascido como uma cover band de Mark Zonda que é composta por Mark Zonda (voz, guitarra, Keyobards, Glockenspiel, Armonica); Manuel (violino, Bass), Mic Starr (bateria), Dendrix (Guitarras). A proposta da banda não é virar de cabeça para baixo a história da música e sim proporcionar aqueles bons momentos em que você quer ouvir boa música, e é disso que precisamos. E nas palavras finais do elaborado encarte que acompanha o EP, Mark diz "This EP is a LOVE ACT to you". Keep it safe and take care."
3 November 2008
Groove Tube
Che puntatone! Sono stato ospite co-conduttore (che emozione!) di Geeks Radio per la Cloudberry Vs Trattoria night! Che è stata anche una scusa ignobile per promuovere il mio nuovo "Bloggone", SleepWalKing. Mi sono veramente divertito! Paolo e Ale sanno veramente come fare sentire a proprio agio le persone. Per chi si fosse perso la puntata ecco la scaletta dei brani che abbiamo selezionato per la serata e l'immancabile Podcast.
Arigato to oyasuminasai :)
1 November 2008

So. I have this song. Its catchiness was totally unespected. I just wondered about that marvellous country duo with a tooth for pop music, wondering from club to club with just an acoustic guitar and their own voices, singing some kind of new country-western scenario to the wide-open dreamy audience in front of the stage. And so it came "BCK", the second song that will be included on the "TenneT" album.
Basically the song is dealing on the duo running away from the City leaving all their problems behind, embracing the new quiet joyfulness of the Country life.
Here's the song
Tiny Tide - BCK
And here's the lyrics:
Let's pretend the King is dead
that Queen is gone and life is fair
Throw the dice and make the choice
I wanna hear it from your voice
Help me Mary
Save me Lord
I'm so empty
Here's so spoiled
So let's go back
let's go back
let's go back
and take me home
back to the country
No depression, B&B
see fruit and joy is my main dish
wanna see me hide and seek
it's miles and miles to play with me
Thank you Mary
Nice twice John
Save my tickets
Hold the horse
Let's go back
Let's go back
Let's go back
Take me home
Back to the Country
Let's go back
Take me home
Back to the country!
When I was mad
good looking young man
I got so bored
I had you there
right in my bed
Yet mummy called
and told me so
don't be scared
oh don't be scared
but please come here
and take me home
Back to the country"