One of my most "Costellian" songs, lyrics are really simple indeed. Being Top of The Pop they're not so meaningful at all, they just picture the scene of this absent minded girl walking out of her home sleepwalkin in the desert town during the night, forgetting of all day's troubles. Here's the demo and the lyrics anyway. Feedback appreciated as always.
(I swear Fabio... I didn't used Chours, except for a little bit on the acoustig guitar solo :D )
Tiny Tide - "SHE"
"She was a girl with a mind on her own
She wasn'tsure she was wake and alone
Off on the floor was she called by the night
Fading from a curtain on her humble dressing gown
Here she's walking
Night birds and shadows are amazed and turn their heads on while the girl keeps on walking
Souls locked in prison are amazed by such a vision
still hey won't do the talking
and the girl keeps on walking
Through the park and the cold rails
Far away from the montains
She's walking
Bedtime stories
Will fad out in the morning
but the girl keeps on walking
Moon ground crowling just to see things falling
on the way of her strolling
but the girl keeps on going
She was a girl with a heart sour and kind
She was so tired of a life so untied
She closed her eyes as she laced off high tops
Turning all a sudden she's back from where she started"
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