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5 December 2009

Enchantment Under The Cesuola

Possibly best performance ever, just me and Mic Leffe Tiny Tide was sliced in a garage duo, just for one night, and since far to obvious comparsions with other bands started to pop up few days from the concert we decided to mock our own name on "The White Tides". I was so electrified by that idea that I decided to start the show with Chuck, my dark 80's Gretsch. It was a good show indeed, with a lot of covers and friends crowding possibly the most dangerous bar in Cesena, starting to play at 00.00 a.m. Being only a a drum and a guitar gave us space to a lot of ideas and solo moments, starting from the blues intro with harmonica and a psychedelic post-rock aftershow with double drummers and a shoegazian Zonda being pointed as a Michale J Fox on acid at the end of his rock performance on Back To The Future's Enchantment Under The Sea.

Well. Beside that last moment of the show (that lasted quite 20 minutes so far) (there's a bit took from Matt Share) the whole show was filmed by Luca. Thank you Luca!

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