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8 May 2007

Needful Things

Simona one day asked me if I could record a song in a Kate Bush style for her. I suddenly thought of "Wurthering Heights". In a similar way I tried to put my mind into a 80's mood and take a book as main vein of inspiration for the song. So I thought: why not Stephen King instead of a classic! Which book is more 80's than "It"? (Well... actually "A Brief History Of Time" by Stephen Hawking, but that's not really exciting).

I think that the song ended up to be more Mark Zonda than Kate Bush, and that Simona lost interest in it. But what a nice song anyway! That's why you hear me on falsetto in the double track of the demo (ok, stop asking me for dates, that female voice is me).

The song basically deals with "Sally" - a very religious character - finding a letter with the proof of a liaison between his husband and a friend. The bridge and the choirs are basically the body of that letter. Sally read it in the first part and decide to read it once again in the second recovering the letter from the trash. The lines "Kiss my bible" was supposed to be "Kiss my nipples", but I guess It spoiled the mood of the song. I don't know. Maybe I'll get to change my mind from time to time during lives :)

The second demo of the song was edited once again by Wild Heart, who also played a marvellous piano and rebuilt the bass line.

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